Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Kev Walker Begin New Era of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Kev Walker launch the Guardians of the Galaxy on a new series of adventures, as they embark on paths that will take them places never before seen by Marvel readers.

The new Guardians of the Galaxy series will begin on April 12, and the team will consist of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Nebula, and Mantis as they try to contend with a new cosmic disturbance known as “Grootfall”. The mysterious event (which is probably not a stretch to say that it has something to do with a new iteration of everyone’s favorite tree monster) will take them to new planets and star systems, away from the known Marvel Universe.

Lanzing described the new series as taking place in a “…new western-fueled frontier to find a scrap of forgiveness. After all, the Guardians are a fire—and a fire only ends one way.”

Walker said that “I’ve been wanting to draw these characters for a long time; I have some of the first GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY comics in my collection. I came close when I did Annihilation: Nova years ago, but never envisaged I’d be doing this kind of all-encompassing relaunch. Pushing existing characters in a new direction is always a daunting challenge, but working with Jackson, Colin, and Matt [Hollingsworth] has been a lot of fun and I think we’re producing something a very different to what’s has gone before.”

Check out the cover of the first issue by Marco Checchetto below and stay tuned to Conskipper for more information about this new cosmic series.

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