‘The Complete Kirby War and Romance’ Omnibus Coming in May 2021

Jack Kirby has been getting his due as of late from the main stream press and casual fans as the co-architect of the Marvel Universe, but those same people may not know that Kirby did a lot more than super hero and monster stories over his long and storied career.

In May, fans new and old will get the chance to read many of Kirby’s rare contributions to the war and romance genres in The Complete Kirby War and Romance Omnibus from Marvel Comics. Kirby’s war and romance work finally gets its due in this omnibus edition.

The hardcover collection will collect Kirby’s stories from the following issues: From Battle (1951) #64-70, Battleground (1954) #14, Yellow Claw (1956) #2-4, Sgt. Fury (1963) #1-8, 10-20, 25, Love Romances (1949) #83-85, 87-88, 96-106, My Own Romance (1949) #71-76, and Teen-Age Romance (1960) #84-86.

Kirby was himself a combat soldier during World War II, and he brought his experiences into the his realistic war stories, as well as the adventure found in Stan Lee and Kirby’s Sgt. Fury.

The omnibus (which retails for $125.00) will be released with two covers: one featuring the “war” theme and the direct market edition featuring a “romance” image from one of the classic tales of spurned lovers.

Look for The Complete Kirby War and Romance Omnibus in comic shops and book stores this coming May and be sure to keep coming back to Conskipper for all of your classic comic needs.

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